Needless to say, the senior staff at Overhead Compartment is a little bit “old school.” We still get the newspaper delivered, we take the bus to work instead of ordering a Lyft, and we don’t necessarily know whether something is “lamestain” or if “cool” is bad or...

In Cave of Forgotten Dreams, our German, all too German guide through the underworld of time offers a stirring, proto-cinematic image: paintings of beasts whose superimposed legs trap them in movement. Is it not also possible, then, to find a similar primordial imprint of animal life within the...

In the spirit of hurricane-induced house arrest, we offer yet another series of cinemagraphs to continue our celebration of Kubrick’s distinctive mise-en-scene, which we began a while back with 2001. What better cure for infrastructural paralysis than the desolate-yet-claustrophobic creepiness of being trapped inside with...

Although we love l’art pour l’art as much as the next postmodern aesthete-cum-aviator themed weblog, we’re also thoroughgoing political absurdists. So, all in all, we’re glad Jean-Luc Godard got off that weirdly Catholic purism of the early Cahiers du Cinema crowd and...

It’s been well over 40 years since its debut, and not only does 2001 stand firmly in cinematic history, but it still reigns supreme among decades of sci-fi films which came after and were more than likely inspired by it. Perhaps the...