Needless to say, the senior staff at Overhead Compartment is a little bit “old school.” We still get the newspaper delivered, we take the bus to work instead of ordering a Lyft, and we don’t necessarily know whether something is “lamestain” or if “cool” is bad or...

In Cave of Forgotten Dreams, our German, all too German guide through the underworld of time offers a stirring, proto-cinematic image: paintings of beasts whose superimposed legs trap them in movement. Is it not also possible, then, to find a similar primordial imprint of animal life within the...

If you’re anything like me, you probably went into season three of Crime Blood Kingdom wondering just how much more cinematic TV could get for undercover serial paedophobe anti-hero detective Billy Whiteman. His morally ambiguous mission to do crime with the bad...

I arrived on these shores with nothing more than a dream, three suitcases, and the accumulated wealth of my forefathers. I had travelled from a simpler world, where a bachelor’s eminence was measured in his tales of Dionysian conquest, the notches in his...

Dear Mr. Editors, From a young age, growing up in the backwoods of western [REDACTED], my father taught me the basic skills that every young outdoorsman learns: how to safely disarm a pathogenic bioaerosal canister, the proper way to jerry-rig a common...

Dear Upworthy, A poor fisherman from Santa Cruz del Norte who lived beneath a corrugated metal roof that would rattle and wake up his baby during the rainy months taught me all that I need to know about baiting. The fisherman was...

With the solstice behind us, we in the north are settling in for the quietude of winter’s lingering, deathly chill. Perhaps you’ve already a hearty cord of wood cut, stockpiled, and seasoned, just waiting to flood your dacha with a soft glimmer....

With the election season finally behind us — and Mitt Romney thankfully defeated — we can’t help but find ourselves left with a certain white, multimillion-dollar, Mormon-shaped hole in our lives. Looking back with fondness at all the gaffs, the absurdities, and the warmly...

With city transit at the mercy of what’s been dubbed “Frankenstorm,” we here in evacuation Zone C have found ourselves with ample time to remain indoors and contemplate the aesthetics of hurricane visualizations. Although an Ancient Greek mantle like Athena would’ve perhaps...

Emerson called New York City “a sucked orange.” We’ll take it as a compliment, because today’s an orange-letter day here at Overhead Compartment, wherein we offer some curated delicacies of a tart persuasion. The scent of citrus is in the air, a...

Every dullard schoolchild knows the story of how pumpkin spice was introduced at the first Thanksgiving, leading to the economic expansion of the West and the widespread consumer franchise of assorted Fall flavors that we hopelessly depend upon to mark the changing...