The editors of Overhead Compartment recently* sat down with Casper Kelly in a virtual chat room. Kelly is the co-creator of the Adult Swim series Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell and Stroker and Hoop, as well as the creator and director of the...

Why an artificial Mondrian? Perhaps there’s an obvious and immediate affinity between his iconic compositions and such computer-generated figures as those that appeared in Japan’s IBM Review in 1964. But Hiroshi Kawano did not simply digitize Piet Mondrian; it could be stated...

That wistful moment just before takeoff—the cabin is still with apprehension, hushed excitement, the quiet shuffle of handheld diversions, an occasional release from consciousness. John Schabel’s voyeuristic Passengers masterfully collects these many faces of anticipation. Having captured his anonymous subjects with a telephoto lens, Schabel...

Martiros Saryan (1880-1972) was an Armenian painter regarded for his masterful selection and use of color. Inspired by the likes of Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse and Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin, Saryan captured a sentimental slice of Armenian life in his minimal landscapes, meticulous still...

With the election season finally behind us — and Mitt Romney thankfully defeated — we can’t help but find ourselves left with a certain white, multimillion-dollar, Mormon-shaped hole in our lives. Looking back with fondness at all the gaffs, the absurdities, and the warmly...

These fantastical, futuristic Russian cover illustrations for Technology-Youth are absolutely brilliant in all of their inventiveness and characteristic Cold War optimism. via Things Magazine

The Brazilian national flag is striking in its contrasts: the colorful, orderly geometry centered against a constellational smattering of stars, the straightforward sans-serif typography against its subtle contoured encasing, suggestive of a sphere. It’s impossible to escape the elegance of the Brazilian...

Relentlessly cool, brazenly domineering, the heroism of unapologetic masculinity found a renaissance in the West during the Cold War years. America reveled in cunning, heavily-armed heroes who could thwart those Commie baddies, keep their wits against the seductive wiles of a buxom double-agent, and...